The images of Tarot of Eons are created in 3D. So we are looking into various ways to present the stereo images via Google Cardboard app and/or 3D video.
Here is the complete flip-through video with card images on the left and anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D images on the right. (Click full-screen ⛶ for full 1080p resolution).
There are also YouTube videos of Major Arcana images optimized for Google Cardboard and “official” YouTube 3D. The first one you watch as is in Google Cardboard (you won't have the colors skewed as in anaglyph above); the second looks OK in anaglyph mode and in 2D mode on PC (however the one above is much better); it doesn't work well on the phone, for some reason, but it might be good for some other devices, I suppose.
Here are few sample stereo images you might try to open on your phone in Google Cardboard: